There is the obvious cause: that these few short days are going to determine a good chunk of my grades for this semester. They're going to say (well, as best as formal education can) whether I ultimately won or sucked this time around. I think I'll like this challenge, more or less. Ballin'.
So there is that. But there is the broader excitement of seeing my life's locomotive engine slowly chugging into motion. As I'm about to turn 20, nearly all of the 13 through 19 years old bullshit is over. Hell yeah! With age, wisdom is starting to take hold. I'm no longer quite the pretentious piece of shit I used to be. (Still very arrogant, but nowhere near as pretentious.) I'm starting to get fairly elite at math despite years of stalling. My GPA is consistently high, having reached 3.4 at its lowest. I even have a halfway decent job.
AND I have just one more semester here, in the fall. Like I've said before, I will miss a lot of the faculty here, for being my good friends and somehow tolerating my constant weirdness and gaffes. I'll miss a good deal of the students here for the same reasons, but I WILL NOT miss the incredibly loud dormitory rabble, shallow hipsters, perverted otaku and, most of all, the air-headed, expensive clothes-wearing, gum-smacking, cellphone-gabbing, popped collar-sporting Anglo-Saxon prep fucktards that have been the bane of my existence for the past year or so. It kind of sucks that nearly every one of my close brosephs and brosephinas outside of my math and CS classes is or was in the ESL program. Which is not to say that I dislike the foreign students—in general, I don't—but I mean that it sucks that so few of American youths are likable. At any rate, I am quite close to a few of my ESL bros in particular and will, in all likelihood, keep in touch for many a year.
However, I will be very pleased to transfer. Anyone from my school, student or faculty, who would bother to read this entry can rest assured it's not about them. Few of the people I'm knocking here would have the literacy to understand my screed anyway. I'm probably going to transfer to Lehigh. My bro Jerry (who already earned an MS in Electrical Engineering back in Taiwan and came here to speak English better) suggested that I will enjoy the climate of a school like Lehigh more: there will be more self-motivated learners, more people in hardcore fields that I like, and quite possibly more foreigners and first/second-generation immigrants from other countries. All of these factors will contribute greatly to the elitery of the whole experience, in addition to the epic advanced classes I will have to take. I am actually quite enthused over the future.
EDIT - I took the first two finals today and, AFAICT, ran through and promptly slaughtered both of them.
EDIT - Finals are done. FINALS ARE DONE
Positives aside, why Lehigh? I figured you for the type (like me) who'd want to get out of the L.V. for a while.
No need to rush. One day I will be out of the Lehigh Valley to the end of my days. In the mean time, Lehigh University is just a few short miles from my home and offers the comforts of familiarity and routine.
A conservative approach; wise move.
I'm full of surprises.
Hey this is Ron, just wanted to let you know that you're not perm banned from MX. I heard that you gave up trying to make a new account, so I thought I would give you a heads up. Smokey D said that you'll have your account back in a week.
yeah thx dude, I saw that I'll get it back on 24th. Smokey D is a homofaggot who can't take humor.
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