Friday, May 2, 2008

ben stein: science implies genocide

No really, he said that.

Well, as long as we're blaming biology for the Holocaust, let's ignore the numerous Jewish contributions to that science.

Wow, gg Ben Stein, for saying some of the dumbest shit I have ever heard. Now I'm thinking a lot harder about which country I'm going to move to eventually.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes yes yes. Its not even a documentary by definition.

its pretty funny that he even brings up ID, since he announced he doesn't even understand ID (from one of his interviews). In fact, in the trailer for this movie, he is seen saying "how did life begin, dude?". Can someone please explain to Mr. Stein that biological evolution has nothing to do with how life BEGAN? So right off the bat, he has no idea what they hell he is even arguing against.

The fact remains, that ID is simply not science and should not be considered on entering the classroom.

Go back to making eye drop commercials, Ben.